
HCV Program Basics

The Housing Choice Voucher program, HCV program, commonly referred to as “Section 8”, is to provide rental assistance to eligible families. The program offers eligible families the choice to rent anywhere in the PHA’s jurisdiction and may be eligible to move under portability to other PHA’s jurisdictions. When a family is determined to be eligible and funding is available, the PHA issues the family a voucher. When the family finds suitable housing, the PHA will enter into a contract with the owner and the family will enter into lease with the owner. Each party makes their respective payments to the owner so that the owner receives full rent. The HCV program requires assisted families to pay at least 30% of adjusted monthly income for rent.

Landlord Lease-Up Process

Landlord Initial Inspection



“Portability” in the HCV program refers to the process through which the family can transfer or “port” their rental subsidy when they move to a location outside the jurisdiction of the public housing agency (PHA) that first gave them the voucher when they were selected for the program.

New families may not be able to port immediately; they may have to live in the jurisdiction of the initial PHA for a year before they can port.  Initial PHAs may allow moves during this one-year period.

  • Initial PHAs -The PHA that first gave the voucher to the individual when they were selected for the program.
  • Receiving PHAs– The agency that will administer assistance in the area to which the individual moves.

How Portability Works PDF

